Boulevard Heights Census Data

Showing 2000, 2020 census data for neighborhood Boulevard Heights

Population by Race (Total)

Population by Race (Total)

Table View

2000 2020 Change % Change
Total Population 8,969 8,690 -279 -3%
White alone 8,486 6,434 -2,052 -24%
Black or African-American alone 123 559 436 354%
Asian-American alone 150 788 638 425%
American Indian and Alaska Native alone 13 26 13 100%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander alone 2 8 6 300%
Some Other Race alone 65 188 123 189%
Two or More Races 130 687 557 428%

Chart View

Population by Race (18 Years and Older)

Population by Race (18 Years and Older)

Table View

2000 2020 Change % Change
Total Population, 18 years and over 7,220 7,209 -11 -0%
White alone, 18 years and over 6,879 5,563 -1,316 -19%
Black or African-American alone, 18 years and over 73 396 323 442%
Asian alone, 18 years and over 119 604 485 408%
American Indian and Alaska Native alone, 18 years and over 11 19 8 73%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, 18 years and over 2 8 6 300%
Some Other Race alone, 18 years and over 41 126 85 207%
Two or More Races, 18 years and over 95 493 398 419%

Chart View

Population by Ethnicity

Population by Ethnicity

Table View

2000 2020 Change % Change
Hispanic or Latino 214 478 264 123%
Hispanic or Latino, 18 years and over 156 336 180 115%

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Housing Units

Housing Units

Table View

2000 2020 Change % Change
Total Housing Units 4,281 4,329 48 1%
Occupied Housing Units 4,121 4,040 -81 -2%
Vacant Housing Units 160 289 129 81%

Chart View

Neighborhood Map

Neighborhood Map