North Hampton Census Data

Showing 2000, 2020 census data for neighborhood North Hampton

Population by Race (Total)

Population by Race (Total)

Table View

2000 2020 Change % Change
Total Population 8,097 7,489 -608 -8%
White alone 6,949 5,344 -1,605 -23%
Black or African-American alone 626 1,189 563 90%
Asian-American alone 284 315 31 11%
American Indian and Alaska Native alone 8 24 16 200%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander alone 8 1 -7 -88%
Some Other Race alone 66 110 44 67%
Two or More Races 156 506 350 224%

Chart View

Population by Race (18 Years and Older)

Population by Race (18 Years and Older)

Table View

2000 2020 Change % Change
Total Population, 18 years and over 6,708 6,588 -120 -2%
White alone, 18 years and over 5,830 4,796 -1,034 -18%
Black or African-American alone, 18 years and over 473 1,042 569 120%
Asian alone, 18 years and over 232 271 39 17%
American Indian and Alaska Native alone, 18 years and over 5 24 19 380%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, 18 years and over 3 1 -2 -67%
Some Other Race alone, 18 years and over 54 89 35 65%
Two or More Races, 18 years and over 111 365 254 229%

Chart View

Population by Ethnicity

Population by Ethnicity

Table View

2000 2020 Change % Change
Hispanic or Latino 204 348 144 71%
Hispanic or Latino, 18 years and over 160 281 121 76%

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Housing Units

Housing Units

Table View

2000 2020 Change % Change
Total Housing Units 4,526 4,572 46 1%
Occupied Housing Units 4,280 4,172 -108 -3%
Vacant Housing Units 246 400 154 63%

Chart View

Neighborhood Map

Neighborhood Map