Mayor Tishaura O. Jones Establishes the First Long-Term Revenue Advisory Council for the City of St. Louis

The advisory board is charged with exploring and recommending strategies for long-term diversification, stability, growth, and sustainability.

June 17, 2024 | 2 min reading time

Today, Mayor Tishaura O. Jones signed Executive Order 80, establishing the first Long-Term Revenue Advisory Council for the City of St. Louis. The Executive order established a twelve-member advisory board charged with exploring and recommending strategies for long-term diversification, stability, growth, and sustainability of the revenue of the City of St. Louis.

“When I talk to City residents, they consistently stress the importance of funding for vital municipal services like public safety, infrastructure, support for our youth, attractive public spaces, refuse and recycling services, and more,” said Mayor Jones in a press conference. “The Long-Term Revenue Advisory Council will be made up of individuals who understand the importance of this funding, from government, the private sector, and the community, and I’m excited to see their recommendations.”

The City of St. Louis Long-Term Revenue Advisory Council will study the current sources of revenue for the City of St. Louis and explore opportunities for stabilization, diversification, and growth. The Council will meet monthly and will present a report to the Mayor that summarizes the issues they’ve studied and recommendations for the long-term sustainability of our city’s revenue within six months.

The 12-member Council will be comprised of one community member; one member from a financial institution located within the City; one member representing the city’s municipal financial advisor; one member from a community development corporation located within the City; one member from the business community located within the City; one member representing the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; one member representing the Office of the Mayor; one member representing the Office of the Comptroller; one member representing the Office of the Collector of Revenue; one member representing the Office of the City Treasurer; one member representing the Board of Aldermen; and one member representing the Office of the City of St. Louis Budget Division.

  • Contact Information:
    Conner Kerrigan
    Director of Communications
    Office Phone: (314) 622-3201
  • Department:
    Office of the Mayor
  • Topic:

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