City Receives $1.5 Million HUD Grant

July 12, 2010 | 2 min reading time

This article is 14 years old. It was published on July 12, 2010.

For Immediate Release

Contact William Siedhoff


ST. LOUIS Mayor Francis Slay and Human Services Director William Siedhoff today announced that the City of St. Louis had received a $1.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under the 2009 Continuum of Care (CoC) grants process.  

The City successfully competed with thousands of cities across the country in securing this award that will support two new local projects that will offer critically needed housing support services to homeless individuals and families over the extended lifetime of the grant.

The newly funded projects are:

  • Catholic Charities: Catholic Family Services Places for Fathers Plus - $1,016,205 This project will be the City's third Safe Haven providing 29 units of permanent supportive housing for single, homeless men suffering from mental illness and co-occurring substance abuse disorders.
  • Gateway Homeless Services - $482,641 Gateway Homeless Services and Grace Hill Settlement House will partner on the Water Tower Transitional Housing project. This collaboration will provide 55 transitional beds for large homeless families.

Last December, HUD awarded nearly $1.4 billion through its Continuum of Care programs with St. LouisCity receiving $8 million at that time. The grants announced today will build on that investment by funding new projects such as those through Catholic Charities and Gateway Homeless Services.  

"The City of St. Louis has seen a 30% reduction in homelessness in the past three years," said Mayor Slay. "These new projects continue the great tradition of bringing quality services and housing to the homeless residents of the City via partnerships with non-profit providers of the Continuum of Care to End Chronic Homelessness." 

For more information on these and other homeless services programs, please contact the Homeless Services Division of the Department of Human Services at 314-657-1704.



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