Report a Problem with the City Website

Instructions for members of the public to report a problem on the website such as an error, a missing file, missing information, etc.


The City of St. Louis web team strives to keep systems running and information up to date. If you notice a problem, such as an error message, a piece of incorrect information, or a missing page or file, please inform the web team.

(City employees please follow the instructions on the Submit Web Team Service Requests page.)


It is helpful to provide as much information as possible when reporting a problem. Please prepare to provide any of the following information that may apply to the situation.

For missing or incorrect information:

  • The web address of the page
  • The information that is incorrect
  • The correct information or a link to a page where it can be found

For broken links or missing files:

  • The web address of the page you were on
  • What link you clicked on when you encountered the broken page or missing file

For application errors:

  • The web address of the page you were on
  • The exact steps you were taking when the error occurred
  • The text of the error.
  • Screenshots of the error if possible.


Submit all information to

What to Expect

The web team will reply to your email to let you know we have fixed the error or that we are working on a fix. We may have followup questions for you, the answers to which can help us solve the problem. We appreciate your cooperation.


Community Information Network

1520 Market Street, Suite 2000
St. Louis, MO 63103

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday through Friday

Contact the Community Information Network

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