City Website Transitions to Responsive Design

It is projected that by 2014 over 50% of website requests will be made from mobile devices.

June 1, 2012 | 2 min reading time

This article is 12 years old. It was published on June 1, 2012.

Shows how website renders in full, tablet, and mobile screen.

The City website is now using a responsive web design that scales gracefully for mobile devices. The site automatically formats to a wide variety of screen sizes, from smartphones, to desktop and everything in between. 

The web team chose responsive design as its strategy to meet the growing use of mobile devices to access its website content. A trend supported by findings from the Pew Research Center, Nielsen, and Gartner that project that by 2014 over 50% of website requests will be made from mobile devices.

The website adoption of responsive design makes all its content accessible to mobile devices, an improvement over a scaled-down mobile website that links to a fraction of the site content.

The implementation of responsive design has the future in mind.  The rapid development of mobile devices will make it more likely that users can access the website content with the latest tool available.

Users can see how and other website render on multiple devices using this tool.

  • Contact Information:
    Sonja Pelli
    Manager of Internet Services and Community Information Network
    Office Phone: (314) 657-3780
  • Department:
    Community Information Network
  • Topic:
    Local Government Records

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