Free Summer Food Program

Summer food programs provide free breakfast and lunch during the summer for children 18 and under at sites within the metropolitan St. Louis area


no kid hungryGood nutrition doesn’t have to end when school closes for the summer.

Summer food sites serve children 18 and under who need meals during the summer.



A map and list of summer food sites can be found here. Take note of open days and hours for each site.



  1. Arrive at your chosen site during the designated time with your child and ask for a meal.
  2. Your child will receive a free prepared meal that meets federal nutrition guidelines.


What to Expect

One meal per child at breakfast time and one meal per child at lunch time. You may visit any site at any time, but going to the same site each day is preferable so that the site knows how many meals to order.


Youth and Family Services Division

(314) 657-1654

1520 Market St., Room 4065
St. Louis, MO 63103

Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM

Contact the Youth and Family Services Division

Additional Resources

Healthy Eating on a Budget
How to Talk to Kids About Hunger
St. Louis Area Foodbank
Understanding SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

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