Emergency Solutions Grant Funds Available (FY2024)

Sponsor: Homeless Services
Procurement Type: Request for Proposals  and or Qualifications

Those that want to participate in the Google Meet Webinar can email Amy Bickford at bickforda@stlouis-mo.gov to be added to the Calendar Invite with Webinar link or attend the meeting via this Google Meet Access:

Wednesday, March 19 · 10:00 – 11:00am
Time zone: America/Chicago
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Google Meet - https://meet.google.com/qie-ifhc-nbm

Starting Date: 03-06-2025
Closing Date: 04-02-2025
Closing Time: 04:00 PM

The City of St. Louis, Department of Human Services (DHS), Homeless Services Division (HSD) is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the following U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) program:

2024 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG).

Proposals will be accepted for the ESG funding categories of:
1. Emergency Shelter - Yearly Beds
2. Emergency Shelter - Inclement Weather Beds
3. Emergency Shelter - Biddle Housing Opportunity Center (BHOC)
4. Street Outreach
5. Homeless Prevention - Short-term Rental Assistance Program
6. Homeless Prevention - Medium-term Rental Assistance Program
7. Rapid Re-Housing - Short-term Rental Assistance Program
8. Rapid Re-Housing - Medium-term Rental Assistance Program
9. Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).

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