Health Commissioner's Order No. 1 and Proclamation - COVID-19

Order number one and proclamation on 3/13/2020, declaring the COVID-19 public health emergency and the ban on events with more than 1,000 people.

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Health Commissioner's Order No.1 and Proclamation - COVID-19 (PDF)

March 13, 2020

The COVID-19 situation is rapidly evolving. We will reassess the Health Director’s order in no more than 30 days.



Pursuant to Article XIII, Section 14-C(c) of the Charter of the City of St. Louis I find that COVID-19, a malignant, infectious, and contagious disease, is threatened in the City of St. Louis, and accordingly I hereby so proclaim. Accordingly, the Director of Health and Hospitals/Health Commissioner may take such steps, use such measures, and incur such expenses as he deems necessary to avoid, suppress, and mitigate that disease until I proclaim the need therefore ended, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the charter or in any ordinance.

Date: 3/13/2020

Lyda Krewson, Mayor


Order No. 1

Pursuant to the authority conferred by Article XIII, Section 14-C(c) Charter of the City of St. Louis and the proclamation of Mayor Lyda Krewson made thereunder, and pursuant to 19 CSR 20-20-050(3), I hereby forbid any public or private assembly in excess of 1,000 persons, with the exception of religious services, until further notice.

Date: 3/13/2020

Dr. Frederick Echols, Director of Health and Hospitals/Health Commissioner

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