Congenital Syphilis

A marked increase in syphilis in people of childbearing potential has driven rising rates of congenital syphilis (CS)

A marked increase in syphilis in people of childbearing potential has driven rising rates of congenital syphilis (CS). Syphilis and HIV co-infection among pregnant patients can also increase the risk of HIV vertical transmission. All cases of CS and HIV vertical transmission can be prevented with increased testing and appropriate treatment. Vertical transmission is where viruses can pass between mother and baby in utero.

St. Louis residents are urged to get tested for syphilis if they are sexually active and especially if they are considering pregnancy. Syphilis testing and treatment are available for free or at low cost in various locations, including the North Central Community Health Center at 4000 Jennings Station Road in Pine Lawn and the Health Stop Testing and Referral Center at 1520 Market St. in St. Louis.

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