Firefighters' Retirement Plan
Welcome to the Firefighters' Retirement Plan ("FRP") website.
Welcome to the Firefighters' Retirement Plan (FRP) website. For those who have questions concerning how the Plan works, Ordinance 69245 as amended by Ordinance 69353 and Ordinance 70248 is the legal text of the Plan. Should you have questions not addressed by this document, please contact the Plan office or the office of the FRP Board Secretary by phone or email.
Board of Trustees
Learn about our Board of Trustees, it's seven members, and the most recent election information.
Plan and Ruling Documents
Administrative Rules for Disability Applications
Administrative Rules for Disability Applications
DROP Policy for FRP
DROP Policy for FRP
Firefighters' Retirement Plan Administrative Forms
Various forms for Firefighters' Retirement Plan participants to complete and submit. Includes Retirement Application, Application for Disability, Beneficiary Designation Form, Change of Address Form, and Request for Medical Records.
Firefighters' Retirement Plan Ruling by Judge Dierker
Firefighters' Retirement Plan Ruling by Judge Dierker PDF
FRP Post-DROP Resolution Adopted 8-8-13
Resolution pertaining to post-DROP employee contribution adopted on August 8, 2013
Ordinance 69245 as amended by Ordinance 69353 and Ordinance 70248
The complete details of the Plan are described in the legal texts of the Retirement Plan, which are found in Ordinance 69245 as amended by Ordinance 69353 and Ordinance 70248.
Notice of Policy Update:
On May 10, 2017 the IRS issued a favorable determination letter for the Firefighters’ Retirement Plan of the City of St. Louis, stating that the Plan meets the requirements of a government plan under Section 414(d) of the Internal Revenue Code. The IRS letter was issued in response to the Plan's application for qualified status and confirms that the Plan's provisions comply with IRS requirements. Qualified status provides multiple tax benefits to the Plan and its members.