Year in Review By Comptroller Darlene Green

From a financial and fiscal perspective, 2024 was a great year for the city of St. Louis.

December 30, 2024 | 2 min reading time

Office SealFrom a financial and fiscal perspective, 2024 was a great year for the city of St. Louis.

Through our budget controls, prudent spending, and strong financial management we were able to secure a coveted AA credit rating for St. Louis city for the first time in 50 years! This improved credit rating is good news for the city and its taxpayers. Not only is borrowing costs reduced, but an improved credit rating is one of the best measures of our performance. We have used our strong financial position to leverage billions in development over the years. Another bright spot is the continuing budget surpluses our city has maintained. Although we must consider low staffing levels as a factor, we end 2024 with a $42 million budget surplus.

Protecting taxpayer dollars has been my continuing focus as Comptroller. A major effort this fall was demanding SLDC get it right regarding ARPA funded grant dollars. Calling for greater transparency and a ‘do-over’ lead to $1.7 million grants being removed for reconsideration. My office pushed hard for continued collaboration from city departments for all hands on deck, and we met our December 31, 2024 deadline to obligate all of the ARPA funds.

In June 2024, we saw an attempt by some to eliminate the Office of the Comptroller. Instead of an independent Comptroller, elected by the voters and taxpayers of St. Louis, there would be an appointed finance person under the control of the Mayor’s office. The timing seemed particularly suspicious at a time when the city has hundreds of millions of dollars from the RAMS settlement. I alerted the public to this proposal, and the charter commission received overwhelming opposition at a public hearing. They dropped the proposal, and preserved the independent ‘watchdog’ of the Office of the Comptroller.

A ballot issue, Proposition B, placed before the voters this fall would have removed the need for E&A to approve budget increases. An aldermanic act could boost spending for any department, making our fiscal controls less stable and potentially hurt our credit rating. I campaigned against Prop B. Voters overwhelmingly agreed and defeated Prop B.

My goal is to continue to keep St. Louis in good financial health and to make sure it is an attractive, vibrant and safe city. I will continue the fight for more affordable housing, livable wages, reducing crime, and green sustainable communities. 

I look forward to offering stability and a voice for all city residents and businesses as we keep the city we love moving forward in 2025. 

Thank you.

Comptroller Darlene Green is the chief fiscal officer of the City of St. Louis and is charged with safeguarding the city's credit rating and with protecting taxpayer dollars. Visit to learn more about the Office of the Comptroller.

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