Water Division Revenue Bonds

The Water Revenue Bonds are limited obligations of the City of St. Louis payable solely from and secured by a pledge of Net Revenues derived from the operation of its Waterworks System.

buystlbonds chain of rocks water treatment plant

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Important Note

All of the information set forth below is historical and subject to change. Investors must read the entire final official statement ("OS"), as well as any updated information regarding these bonds made available by the City of St. Louis (the "City") at the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board's Electronic Municipal Market Access ("EMMA") website www.emma.msrb.org, to obtain the information essential to the making of an informed investment decision.

Project Description

The City owns and operates the Waterworks System to provide water to the citizens of the City. The City supplies potable water on a retail basis to residential, commercial and industrial customers within the City, and provides water on a wholesale basis to certain cities and private water companies within proximity to the City.

The City's Waterworks System consists of two water treatment plants (Chain of Rocks and Howard Bend), two reservoirs (Compton Hill and Stacey Park), and a 1,400 mile water distribution and supply system. The entire system is capable of processing approximately 480 million gallons of water per day and has a storage capacity of 128.6 million gallons.

The Waterworks System is managed by the City's Water Division which is a division of the City's Department of Public Utilities.

Bondholder Security

The Water Revenue Bonds are limited obligations of the City of St. Louis payable solely from and secured by a pledge of Net Revenues derived from the operation of its Waterworks System. The Water Revenue Bonds are further secured by a debt service reserve fund.

For a more detailed description of the security for the Water Revenue Bonds please refer to the Official Statement and to www.emma.msrb.org for Continuing Disclosure updates and Material Event Filings.

Bonds Outstanding

There is currently outstanding the following one (1) series of Water Revenue Bonds with an aggregate principal amount of $6,056,000 as follows:

Bonds Outstanding
Issuer Series New Money / Refunding Par Outstanding Maturity
City of St. Louis 2013 New Money $6,056,000 January 1, 2034

Debt Service on Outstanding Bonds

Official Statements

2013: These bonds were privately placed and there is no official statement.

Annual Reports

View the most recent Annual Reports for the City's Water Division.

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