CDA Developer Questionnaire
Determine your capacity to take on a CDA project.
Are you ready to be a developer?
- Are you willing to take on the role of developer, either to assume complete responsibility for a project or enter into a joint venture with a CHDO to complete the project?
- Are you able to obtain architectural drawings, structural engineering, surveying, environmental site assessment and appraisal to assist in packaging the project?
- Can you obtain construction financing for approximately 80% of the project cost?
- Do you have experience in either new home construction or rehab of historic buildings and homes?
- Do you have, or are you willing to obtain, a St. Louis business license and clearance from taxing authorities?
- Are you able to supply names, addresses, and phone numbers of at least three references, preferably for completed jobs comparable to those for which you will be submitting applications?
You may also need:
- Building inspection services for occasional second opinions
- property managers to manage completed rental projects
- general contractors and subcontractors to bid on and do the actual rehab/construction work
Feedback is anonymous.