Community Development Grants: Neighborhood Beautification & Green Community Spaces

Sponsor: Community Development Administration
Procurement Type: Notice of Funding Availability
Starting Date: 03-14-2025
Available Funding
This RFP announces the availability of $500,000 of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding from the City of St. Louis, acting by and through the Community Development Administration (CDA), to facilitate neighborhood beautification activities that contribute to a suitable living environment and meet one of HUDs national objectives. This RFP seeks to provide multiple awards, ranging from $50,000-$100,000, to 501(c)(3) nonprofits and neighborhood organizations engaging in these activities. The funding period extends from June 2025 through December 2026.
Eligible Activities
Awarded funds must be used to support HUD eligible activities under the Public Facilities and Improvements category. “Public Facilities and Improvements” are broadly interpreted to include all improvements and facilities that are either publicly owned or that are traditionally provided by the government, or owned by a nonprofit, and operated so as to be open to the general public. Public facilities and improvements by their nature are intended to benefit all residents of an area. Facilities or spaces owned by a nonprofit must be open for use by the general public during all normal hours of operation.
Scope of Work/Services
-Neighborhood Beautification Eligible Activities
-Maintain vacant lots through grass cutting, brush clearing, and tree trimming
-Redevelop and beautify vacant lots, including environmental remediation, naturescaping, community gardens, athletic fields, urban orchards, playscapes, gathering spaces, and public art
-Combat dumping through resident-led cleanup programs, compensated cleanups, and dumpster rentals
-Other related neighborhood beautification initiatives
-Contractual services to support project implementation, including insurance coverage
-Personnel costs (not to exceed 10% of the funding request)
Ineligible Activities
-Funds from this NOFA may not be used for site acquisition
Eligible Respondents
The Respondent for this funding must be a non-profit organization with neighborhood beautification experience. Multiple non-profit organizations may apply together as a team, provided that each organization would be eligible to apply separately.
Issuance Date:
March 14, 2025
Proposals due:
May 9, 2025
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