2024 CDA Affordable Housing NOFA Awards PDF

2024 CDA Affordable Housing NOFA Awards PDF doc

Thumbnail of spread showing award projects

Publication Date: 09/16/2024
Document Type: Informational Pages
Sponsor: Community Development Administration

CDA's Neighborhood Transformation Grants for 2024 Affordable Housing Production total $17,531,048 in awards for 22 funded projects, including over 926 housing units spread out across 42 sites, in 19 neighborhoods citywide.

The awards are funded through a variety of federal funding sources, including: the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA - $3.88M), the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG - $2.43M), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME - $4.00M), and HOME-American Rescue Plan Program (HOME-ARP - $7.22M).

Click below to view awards in a PDF table.

Read the full announcement at: https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/CDA/news/2024-cda-housing-nofa-awards.cfm

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