Expenditures made to the SUMNERONE - LEASING DIVISION (109492) supplier for the 2024 fiscal year


Total Expended
Total amount expended in FY 2024.


All expenditures made to the SUMNERONE - LEASING DIVISION (109492) supplier for the 2024 fiscal year.

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Totals by Cost Center

Expenditures by cost center to the SUMNERONE - LEASING DIVISION (109492) supplier in FY 2024
Cost Center Title Total Expended
312000 Circuit Attorney $27,861.16
312003 Circuit Attorney Child Support Unit $8,982.03
711000 Communicable Disease Control $5,104.02
315000 Sheriff $4,840.04
616000 Excise Division $3,672.46
143000 Affordable Housing Commission $3,541.63
610000 Director of Public Safety $2,247.85
401000 Communications Division $2,146.39
611000 Fire Department $1,721.35
124000 Register $784.43
312008 Circuit Attorney Public Safety Tax $677.76

Totals by Account

Expenditures by account to the SUMNERONE - LEASING DIVISION (109492) supplier in FY 2024
Code Title Total Expended
520500 Office Supplies $1,164.62
530500 Office Rental and Leases $42,915.10
557000 Capital Leases $2,807.42
560000 Computer Services $182.09
560500 Office Services $13,731.48
560501 Maintenance Services $574.38

Totals by Fund

Expenditures by fund to the SUMNERONE - LEASING DIVISION (109492) supplier in FY 2024
Fund Title Total Expended
1000 General Fund $41,127.29
1002 Communications $2,146.39
1110 Use Tax $8,645.65
1111 Budgeted Special Fund $8,982.03
1121 Public Safety Sales Tax II Fund $677.76

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