Expenditures made to the KOZENY-WAGNER, INCORPORATED (105420) supplier for the 2024 fiscal year


Total Expended
Total amount expended in FY 2024.


All expenditures made to the KOZENY-WAGNER, INCORPORATED (105420) supplier for the 2024 fiscal year.

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Totals by Cost Center

Expenditures by cost center to the KOZENY-WAGNER, INCORPORATED (105420) supplier in FY 2024
Cost Center Title Total Expended
633000 City Justice Center $1,829,793.99
900000 President Board of Public Services $208,319.05
633012 Corrections Phone Commissions $71,929.48
903000 Facilities Management Division $16,886.76
320000 Juvenile Court $4,240.00
311000 Circuit Court $1,709.95

Totals by Account

Expenditures by account to the KOZENY-WAGNER, INCORPORATED (105420) supplier in FY 2024
Code Title Total Expended
561500 Health and Safety Services $71,929.48
562000 Facility and Grounds Services $279,974.18
564500 Major Projects Contracts and Services $1,595,156.52
569999 Prior Year Encumbrance Contractual and Other Services $201,551.90

Totals by Fund

Expenditures by fund to the KOZENY-WAGNER, INCORPORATED (105420) supplier in FY 2024
Fund Title Total Expended
1000 General Fund $2,060,949.75
1111 Budgeted Special Fund $71,929.48
1120 Economic Devolopment Sales Tax $15,732.85

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