Supplier AMERICAN EXPRESS in FY 2024

Expenditures made to the AMERICAN EXPRESS (100342) supplier for the 2024 fiscal year


Total Expended
Total amount expended in FY 2024.


All expenditures made to the AMERICAN EXPRESS (100342) supplier for the 2024 fiscal year.

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Totals by Cost Center

Expenditures by cost center to the AMERICAN EXPRESS (100342) supplier in FY 2024
Cost Center Title Total Expended
611000 Fire Department $3,855.52
700001 Director of Health and Hospitals Use Tax $3,002.82
715000 Community Sanitation and Vector Control $2,930.83
121000 SLATE Workforce Development $1,400.85
141001 Planning and Urban Design Economic Dev Tax $1,251.24
321000 Treatment Court $1,163.92
610000 Director of Public Safety $1,096.32
719000 Family Community and School Health $991.96
700002 Health Care Trust $911.96
800001 Homeless Services $879.73
311000 Circuit Court $836.40
120000 Mayors Office $817.46
110000 Board of Aldermen $630.96
711000 Communicable Disease Control $383.80

Totals by Account

Expenditures by account to the AMERICAN EXPRESS (100342) supplier in FY 2024
Code Title Total Expended
563000 Education and Training Services $1,748.36
565400 Travel Out of Town $14,549.89
565401 Fire Suppression Travel $2,039.65
565402 Emergency System Travel $1,815.87

Totals by Fund

Expenditures by fund to the AMERICAN EXPRESS (100342) supplier in FY 2024
Fund Title Total Expended
1000 General Fund $8,400.58
1110 Use Tax $9,101.10
1120 Economic Devolopment Sales Tax $2,652.09

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