Cost Centers Under Director of Public Safety in FY 2024

Expenditures by cost center under Director of Public Safety (610000) for the 2024 fiscal year


Total budget for FY 2024.
Total Expended
92% expended of total budget
Total amount expended in FY 2024.


All expenditures made by cost centers under the Director of Public Safety (610000) cost center for the 2024 fiscal year.

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Totals by Cost Center

Expenditures by cost center for those under Director of Public Safety (610000) in FY 2024
Cost Center Title Budget Expended % Expended
611000 Fire Department $64,335,420 $64,425,754 100%
619000 Office of Violence Prevention $2,613,267 $1,554,074 59%
610000 Director of Public Safety $1,603,734 $1,000,910 62%
610001 Crime Prevention Programs $1,000,000 $954,073 95%
616000 Excise Division $714,930 $468,586 66%

Totals by Account

Expenditures by account for cost centers under Director of Public Safety (610000) in FY 2024
Account Title Budget Expended % Expended
510100 Salaries Regular Employees $10,190,855 $9,033,884 89%
510120 Salaries Fire $43,162,548 $37,944,179 88%
510900 Overtime Regular Employees $1,260,000 $774,659 61%
510920 Overtime Fire $6,821,752 $11,155,836 164%
511200 Salaries Per Performance Employees $400,000 $392,516 98%
512000 FICA $906,591 $1,466,616 162%
512010 FICA Commissioned $610,149 $0 0%
513800 Employee Retirement Plan $1,737,542 $1,473,525 85%
513810 Employee Retirement System Debt Contr $203,817 $173,632 85%
513910 Firemen Retirement System $3,191,979 $3,191,979 100%
513920 Firefighters Retirement Plan $9,341,375 $7,707,591 83%
514500 Workers Compensation Settlements $3,156,000 $2,365,103 75%
514700 Workers Compensation Admin $568,105 $566,279 100%
515000 Medical Insurance $7,168,560 $5,553,154 77%
515030 Life Insurance $177,251 $150,143 85%
515060 Long Term Disability $63,627 $34,143 54%
520000 Computer Supplies $35,000 $33,634 96%
520500 Office Supplies $60,400 $64,751 107%
520502 Postage $7,000 $0 0%
521000 Communication Supplies $42,540 $38,071 89%
521001 Radio Parts and Supplies $600 $0 0%
521002 Telephone Parts and Supplies $600 $0 0%
521500 Health and Safety Supplies $15,000 $3,973 26%
521504 Breathing Apparatus $80,000 $97,231 122%
521506 Wearing Apparel $275,600 $124,211 45%
521507 Ammunition $800 $0 0%
521508 Drugs and Medicines $235,500 $66,088 28%
521509 Fire Suppression Safety Supplies $50,000 $61,989 124%
521515 Hazardous Materials $20,000 $12,663 63%
521517 Emergency System Safety Supplies $625,000 $359,875 58%
521518 Protective Clothing $450,000 $252,793 56%
521519 Small Tools $23,000 $11,062 48%
521521 Public Safety and Health Body Camera Supplies $250 $0 0%
522000 Facility and Grounds Supplies $50,000 $53,280 107%
523000 Education and Training Materials and Supplies $15,000 $318 2%
523002 Subscriptions $1,200 $755 63%
523003 Fire Suppression Training Materials $30,000 $21,948 73%
523004 Emergency System Training Materials $10,000 $3,449 34%
530500 Office Rental and Leases $17,890 $15,162 85%
531501 Fire Suppression Rental and Leases $3,000 $1,171 39%
531502 Emergency System Rental and Leases $35,000 $18,243 52%
540000 Computer Equipment $24,996 $1,615 6%
540500 Office Equipment $6,980 $3,267 47%
541000 Communication Equipment $10,000 $3,885 39%
541500 Health and Safety Equipment $53,145 $23,878 45%
541501 Public Safety and Health Body Cameras $680 $0 0%
542500 Fleet Equipment $0 $0 0%
543000 Education and Training Equipment $5,000 $4,595 92%
551500 Health and Safety Capital Asset $20,000 $0 0%
560000 Computer Services $244,235 $215,428 88%
560500 Office Services $7,300 $1,803 25%
560501 Maintenance Services $14,000 $5,771 41%
561000 Communication Services $668,430 $554,959 83%
561005 Cellular Phone Services $1,500 $0 0%
561500 Health and Safety Services $830,859 $429,722 52%
561504 Wearing Apparel Cleaning Services $2,000 $0 0%
561506 Fire Suppression Services $25,000 $10,627 43%
561508 Hazardous Materials Services $5,000 $0 0%
561509 Emergency System Services $127,000 $111,260 88%
561511 Protective Clothing Repair $2,000 $379 19%
562000 Facility and Grounds Services $33,000 $14,660 44%
563000 Education and Training Services $10,500 $1,147 11%
563002 Fire Suppression Education and Training $67,000 $46,167 69%
563004 Emergency Systems Education and Training $18,000 $22,940 127%
563500 Environmental Services $7,000 $2,731 39%
565100 Health Care Services $45,500 $33,173 73%
565400 Travel Out of Town $2,500 $5,543 222%
565401 Fire Suppression Travel $30,000 $12,787 43%
565402 Emergency System Travel $12,000 $6,789 57%
565500 Transportation $27,720 $1,307 5%
565600 Membership Fees $10,400 $4,277 41%
565800 Internal Services $23,000 $20,739 90%
565801 Internal Services Gas $819,000 $493,428 60%
566000 Professional Services $1,550,446 $9,805 1%
566001 Auditing Services $137,500 $0 0%
566006 Advertising $4,000 $2,226 56%
566034 Facility Maintenance $0 $0 0%
566044 Mortgage and Rental Assistance $25,000 $0 0%
566071 Summer Youth Jobs $550,000 $0 0%
566072 In School Youth $50,000 $0 0%
566098 Supportive Reentry Program $538,030 $342,605 64%
566500 Legal Services $15,664 $6,470 41%
566502 Non Federal Share Transfer $2,750,000 $2,662,399 97%
575500 Principal Payments $3,120,808 $3,355,269 108%
575700 Interest Payments $2,650,468 $2,880,860 109%
575900 Admin Fees $4,500 $2,378 53%
700002 27th Pay Reserve $181,906 $181,696 100%

Totals by Fund

Expenditures by fund for cost centers under Director of Public Safety (610000) in FY 2024
Fund Title Budget Expended % Expended
1000 General Fund $79,029,963 $77,189,354 98%
1110 Use Tax $675,000 $0 0%
1111 Budgeted Special Fund $10,389,018 $4,189,642 40%
1112 Gaming $30,000 $21,510 72%
1119 Public Safety Sales Tax Fund $8,405,000 $8,815,603 105%
1121 Public Safety Sales Tax II Fund $7,246,617 $6,655,480 92%

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