Cost Centers Under Refuse Division in FY 2025

Expenditures by cost center under Refuse Division (516000) for the 2025 fiscal year


Total budget for FY 2025.
Total Expended
12% expended of total budget
Total amount expended in FY 2025.


All expenditures made by cost centers under the Refuse Division (516000) cost center for the 2025 fiscal year.

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Totals by Cost Center

Expenditures by cost center for those under Refuse Division (516000) in FY 2025
Cost Center Title Budget Expended % Expended
516000 Refuse Division $27,273,173 $3,269,804 12%
516002 Refuse Division Use Tax $937,399 $120,199 13%
516003 Metro Trash Service Fund $229,867 $321 0%

Totals by Account

Expenditures by account for cost centers under Refuse Division (516000) in FY 2025
Account Title Budget Expended % Expended
510100 Salaries Regular Employees $6,705,804 $800,448 12%
510110 Salaries Police $67,000 $0 0%
510900 Overtime Regular Employees $1,850,930 $216,059 12%
511200 Salaries Per Performance Employees $100,000 $0 0%
512000 FICA $647,251 $75,997 12%
512010 FICA Commissioned $70,000 $0 0%
513800 Employee Retirement Plan $1,174,186 $140,249 12%
513810 Employee Retirement System Debt Contr $134,116 $16,002 12%
514500 Workers Compensation Settlements $1,006,000 $54,731 5%
514700 Workers Compensation Admin $83,823 $10,488 13%
515000 Medical Insurance $1,367,515 $154,180 11%
515020 Dental Insurance $360 $0 0%
515030 Life Insurance $26,313 $2,256 9%
515060 Long Term Disability $9,538 $673 7%
520500 Office Supplies $15,150 $584 4%
521500 Health and Safety Supplies $106,000 $4,812 5%
522000 Facility and Grounds Supplies $266,220 $10,387 4%
522500 Fleet Materials and Supplies $4,100 $0 0%
523000 Education and Training Materials and Supplies $1,000 $0 0%
523500 Environmental Materials and Supplies $516 $0 0%
530500 Office Rental and Leases $3,500 $641 18%
532000 Facility and Grounds Rental and Leases $20,000 $1,171 6%
532500 Fleet Rental and Leases $30,000 $0 0%
542000 Facility and Grounds Equipment $75,000 $0 0%
542001 Refuse Receptacles $900,000 $29,092 3%
552500 Fleet Capital Asset $950,000 $0 0%
560500 Office Services $5,500 $0 0%
561000 Communication Services $105,055 $9,533 9%
561500 Health and Safety Services $4,500 $14,463 321%
562000 Facility and Grounds Services $189,310 $14,357 8%
563500 Environmental Services $7,000 $0 0%
563501 Recycling Drop off $64,410 $0 0%
563503 Recycling Tires $200,000 $11,807 6%
563504 Transfer Station Refuse Pickup $9,720,000 $1,736,433 18%
563505 Transfer Station Supplemental $410,000 $0 0%
565500 Transportation $1,000 $0 0%
565801 Internal Services Gas $878,901 $0 0%
566000 Professional Services $75,000 $5,004 7%
575503 Principal Refuse 2017 $350,000 $0 0%
575504 Principal Refuse 2018 $235,000 $0 0%
575505 Principal Refuse 2019 $125,000 $58,546 47%
575512 Principal Refuse Trucks 2021 $170,000 $0 0%
575703 Interest Refuse 2017 $15,000 $0 0%
575704 Interest Refuse 2018 $7,000 $0 0%
575705 Interest Refuse 2019 $8,000 $3,200 40%
575712 Interest Refuse Trucks 2021 $9,000 $0 0%
700002 27th Pay Reserve $26,441 $0 0%
700008 Refuse Garage Debt Service Funding $500,000 $0 0%
700012 Pass Through to Capital Fund $60,000 $0 0%

Totals by Fund

Expenditures by fund for cost centers under Refuse Division (516000) in FY 2025
Fund Title Budget Expended % Expended
1000 General Fund $27,613,173 $3,269,804 12%
1110 Use Tax $937,399 $120,199 13%
1111 Budgeted Special Fund $229,867 $321 0%

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