Cost Centers Under Circuit Attorney in FY 2025

Expenditures by cost center under Circuit Attorney (312000) for the 2025 fiscal year


Total budget for FY 2025.
Total Expended
12% expended of total budget
Total amount expended in FY 2025.


All expenditures made by cost centers under the Circuit Attorney (312000) cost center for the 2025 fiscal year.

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Totals by Cost Center

Expenditures by cost center for those under Circuit Attorney (312000) in FY 2025
Cost Center Title Budget Expended % Expended
312000 Circuit Attorney $9,693,982 $1,487,617 15%
312003 Circuit Attorney Child Support Unit $1,817,037 $227,993 13%
312008 Circuit Attorney Public Safety Tax $3,709,716 $119,841 3%
312007 Enhanced Criminal Prosecution $636,620 $43,429 7%
312002 Circuit Attorney Deliquent Tax $183,083 $21,624 12%

Totals by Account

Expenditures by account for cost centers under Circuit Attorney (312000) in FY 2025
Account Title Budget Expended % Expended
510100 Salaries Regular Employees $9,756,283 $1,182,124 12%
510900 Overtime Regular Employees $50,000 $9,609 19%
511200 Salaries Per Performance Employees $15,000 $11,569 77%
512000 FICA $751,328 $89,626 12%
513800 Employee Retirement Plan $1,708,325 $198,195 12%
513810 Employee Retirement System Debt Contr $195,126 $22,638 12%
514700 Workers Compensation Admin $121,954 $14,534 12%
515000 Medical Insurance $1,320,008 $150,287 11%
515030 Life Insurance $38,050 $3,419 9%
515060 Long Term Disability $13,659 $749 5%
520000 Computer Supplies $106,500 $1,362 1%
520500 Office Supplies $113,500 $3,163 3%
521000 Communication Supplies $12,100 $0 0%
521500 Health and Safety Supplies $4,500 $0 0%
521506 Wearing Apparel $1,000 $0 0%
521507 Ammunition $5,000 $0 0%
523000 Education and Training Materials and Supplies $68,250 $6,541 10%
530000 Computer Rental and Leases $10,000 $0 0%
530500 Office Rental and Leases $100,000 $8,163 8%
533000 Education and Training Rental and Leases $1,000 $0 0%
533500 Environmental Rental and Leases $2,100 $0 0%
540500 Office Equipment $70,500 $0 0%
541000 Communication Equipment $4,350 $0 0%
550500 Office Capital Asset $12,000 $0 0%
551000 Communication Capital Asset $1,000 $0 0%
553000 Education and Training Capital Asset $7,500 $0 0%
560000 Computer Services $296,000 $100,685 34%
560500 Office Services $66,000 $3,978 6%
560501 Maintenance Services $1,000 $0 0%
561000 Communication Services $65,000 $5,238 8%
561500 Health and Safety Services $6,000 $1,077 18%
563000 Education and Training Services $18,526 $500 3%
563500 Environmental Services $6,000 $180 3%
564500 Major Projects Contracts and Services $5,000 $0 0%
565400 Travel Out of Town $18,000 $0 0%
565500 Transportation $30,000 $486 2%
565600 Membership Fees $33,500 $0 0%
565800 Internal Services $4,000 $0 0%
565801 Internal Services Gas $14,000 $0 0%
566000 Professional Services $366,000 $21,793 6%
566069 REJIS $101,000 $22,843 23%
566079 Support Services $199,887 $0 0%
566500 Legal Services $261,000 $9,745 4%
567600 Surety Bond Premiums and Insurance $5,000 $0 0%
567700 Elected Official Expense Account $32,000 $32,000 100%
700002 27th Pay Reserve $27,093 $0 0%

Totals by Fund

Expenditures by fund for cost centers under Circuit Attorney (312000) in FY 2025
Fund Title Budget Expended % Expended
1000 General Fund $9,693,982 $1,487,617 15%
1111 Budgeted Special Fund $2,003,719 $249,617 12%
1116 Public Safety GBL $636,620 $43,429 7%
1121 Public Safety Sales Tax II Fund $3,709,716 $119,841 3%

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