Personal Property

Personal property is tangible property that includes cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, and business assets. It does not include real property.

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About Personal Property
Personal property declaration info, examples of tangible personal property, tax rates and more

Declare Your Personal Property
Declare your personal property online, by mail, or in person by April 1st and avoid a 10% assessment penalty.

Obtain a Tax Waiver (Statement of Non-Assessment)
Residents with no personal property tax assessed in the prior year can obtain a statement of non-assessment (tax-waiver)

Penalty for Late Filing - Personal Property Assessments
Information on penalties for filing property assessments late

Update Personal Property Name or Address
Instructions to update your name or mailing address of record for Personal Property (vehicle, boat, etc) in the City of St. Louis.

Paperless Property Declaration

Michael Dauphin, the Assessor for the City of St. Louis, shares an update about the personal property declaration process, which can now be done paperlessly.

Important Numbers

  • Individual Personal Property - (314) 622-4171 and E-mail
  • Corporate Personal Property - (314) 622-4181 and E-mail
  • Fax Number - (314) 622-4695


Find Personal Property Declaration Forms for Individuals and Businesses

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