Exhibition Highlighting Missouri Opens at the Lambert Gallery

“Missouri Made” Exhibition Features Unique Collection of Art and Artifacts from Show-Me State

March 6, 2014 | 2 min reading time

This article is 10 years old. It was published on March 6, 2014.


Lambert-St. Louis International Airport is proud to welcome a new exhibition by Missouri State Parks titled “Missouri Made,” now on display through June 30, 2014 at the Lambert Gallery in Terminal 1. “Missouri Made” highlights the varied and unique collection of Missouri materials, art and artifacts from the Missouri State Museum in Jefferson City, Missouri. The exhibition objects demonstrate a wide-range of artistic skills and creativity.

Missouri Made Art ExhibitExploring five themes in five cases, the objects include raw materials of industry, one-of-a-kind crafts and manufactured goods. Hand-knit clothing, paper art, a hand-carved cane, and a stained glass sampler are just a few of the artifacts featured in the display cases. The exhibit explores ideas of individual creativity and mass production, and showcases examples of unexpected beauty found within Missouri’s natural resources.

The Lambert Gallery is located in Terminal 1 in Baggage Claim near the exit for Concourse C. It was selected by the Airport Art Advisory Committee (AAAC) as one of several exhibits on display in 2014 as part of the Airport’s Art and Culture Program. The exhibit is sponsored in part by the St. Louis Regional Arts Commission and the Missouri Arts Council.

The Missouri State Museum, which is part of Missouri State Parks, is located on the first floor of the Missouri State Capitol. For more information, contact the Museum at 573-751-2854. For information on state parks and historic sites, visit mostateparks.com. Missouri State Parks is a division of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

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