Long Distance Call Leads to Ambassador of the Year Award

Airport’s Catch Us Giving Annual Reception on Tuesday

February 13, 2018 | 2 min reading time

This article is 6 years old. It was published on February 13, 2018.

It was a long distance call for help and Pearletta Malone-Evans helped answer that call to help a mother hundreds of miles away from his son, stranded at the airport. In doing so, Pearletta Malone Evans was announced as the 2017 Catch Us Giving Ambassador of the Year at St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL). 

STL Airport Director Rhonda Hamm-Niebruegge surprised the customer service representative for information and paging services at the Airport’s Catch Us Giving Annual Reception on Tuesday. The event celebrated all the winners and nominees in the Catch Us Giving customer service program for 2017.   

Pearletta Malone-Evans, who is an employee of Ollie Dowell Communications, took a call from a worried mother who was calling from out of town in August of last year. The woman’s son was flying solo for the first time. The mother became worried after her son’s flight was canceled and he was going to be stuck overnight with no experience in dealing with that type of travel situation. 

“When a mom is far from her kid and he needs help and she can't help him it’s nice to know there is someone out there who cares enough about people to help that mother’s kid out,” the mother wrote in her Catch Us Givingnomination letter. “To soothe a worried mother’s tears and make her feel like everything was ok and calm that mom down was a very kind thing to do. I wish I could do or say something personally for Pearletta to let her know how thankful I am for her help and how she turned my anxiety and worry level from extremely elevated back to functioning and calm.”

 The Catch Us Giving customer service recognition program was developed exclusively for St. Louis Lambert International Airport and its facility partners. The program encourages the public to “catch” Airport employees giving great customer service and nominate them for customer service awards.   

“Every nomination in the Catch Us Giving program is significant,” said Airport Director Rhonda Hamm-Niebruegge. “Our travelers who cared enough to share their great customer service stories will share that experience about St. Louis hospitality with many others, both locally and wherever they travel.” 

The Catch Us Giving program received over 1,000 nominations in 2017. More than 500 employees from more than 30 companies were nominated. A committee representing tenants, airlines, concessions and other service providers choose monthly winners and the Ambassador of the Year. Customers nominated employees for their hospitality, service, and efforts to go above and beyond to make a difference for travelers and visitors at the Airport.   

The Catch Us Giving program receives tremendous support from the local business community. The event was sponsored this year by US Bank, the Regional Business Council, G2 Secure Staff, FunJet Vacations, American Airlines, Air Choice One, OHM Group, Hudson Group, and ABM/Super Park.  

Now in its 8th year, the mission of the Catch Us Giving program is to unify the Airport Authority, tenants, contractors, airline employees and other partners in giving great customer service to STL’s millions of travelers and visitors.

  • Contact Information:
    Jeff Lea
    Public Relations Manager
    Office Phone: (314) 426-8125
    Mobile Phone: (314) 795-2235
  • Department:
    St. Louis Lambert International Airport
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