Fuels Systems Maintenance Services

Sponsor: St. Louis Lambert International Airport
Procurement Type: Request for Proposals  and or Qualifications

Bidders wishing to participate in the the Pre-Bid Meeting should use the link below:
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Meeting URL: https://flystl.zoom.us/j/89257351028?pwd=CdTWqAv9TViad9vD4YfWJZ53uthlzT.1

Meeting ID: 892 5735 1028
Passcode: 817263
Join by Telephone
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+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 689 278 1000 US
+1 719 359 4580 US
+1 253 205 0468 US
Meeting ID: 892 5735 1028
Passcode: 817263
Pre-Bidding Location:
Via Zoom

Starting Date: 02-28-2025
Closing Date: 04-07-2025
Closing Time: 02:00 PM

The Airport is requesting bids from qualified bidders to perform Fuel Systems Maintenance Services as fully described in the SFB.

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