Resolution Number 193 In Session 2024-2025
Body Worn Camera And In Car Camera Use Plan Authorization
NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, The Board of Aldermen will review the Surveillance Use Plan, assessing its cost-effectiveness, the efficacy of the proposed technology, that the proposal will safeguard civil liberties and civil rights, ensuring public comment opportunities for community members, and confirming compliance with Ordinance Number 71842.
Latest resolution text:
- Introduced (324.22 KB PDF)
Session: 2024-2025
Introduced: 11/15/2024
Sponsor: Primary Sponsors: Bret Narayan
Latest Activity: Second Reading
Legislative History
Legislative activities and outcomes for this resolution. Learn more about what these activities mean.
First Reading
Resolution text was introduced (324.22 KB PDF).
11/15/2024Committee Assignment
The resolution was assigned to the Public Safety Committee.
12/12/2024Committee Hearing
The resolution was held in committee during the Public Safety Committee.
01/09/2025Committee Hearing
The resolution was held in committee during the Public Safety Committee.
01/16/2025Committee Hearing
The resolution was passed with a recommendation of do pass during the Public Safety Committee.
01/17/2025Second Reading
The resolution was placed on the informal calendar.
02/04/2025Second Reading
The resolution was passed.
Supporting Materials
These materials are not a part of the legislation. They may be presented by the sponsor, other Board members, special guest speakers or others to help further explain the proposal, provide other evidence, give additional information and/or alternative ideas or opinions.
4 Files have been uploaded Title File Size Body Worn Cameras and In-Car Cameras Plan Res193 BWC & ICC- Final Plan .pdf 226.77 KB Presentation made by SLMPD at the Public Safety Committee hearing Thursday, January 9, 2025 in the Kennedy Room. Tech presentation updated (2) 109257.pdf 171.91 KB Updated Plan Part 1 SUP - BWC - Adjusted.pdf 229.53 KB Updated Plan Part 2 SUP - In Car Camera - Adjusted.pdf 227.60 KB
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