Resolution Number 261 In Session 2024-2025
Support for Local Control of the St. Louis Police department
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Aldermen of the City of St. Louis that we pause in our deliberations to recognize the abnormality of the State's attempts of a hostile takeover of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department and we call on the Missouri General Assembly and Missouri Governor to reject efforts to remove local control of SLMPD from St. Louis City; and We further call on Missouri Senators and State Representatives, especially those who represent the St. Louis area, to fight by any means necessary the efforts by the state to take control of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department...
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- Introduced (69.83 KB PDF)
Session: 2024-2025
Introduced: 02/11/2025
Sponsor: Primary Sponsors: Alisha Sonnier
Latest Activity: First Reading
Shane Cohn, Daniela Velazquez, Michael Browning, Rasheen Aldridge, President Megan E Green
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