Resolution Number 223 In Session 2024-2025
Support for Unionization at Gardaworld
WE FURTHER PAUSE IN OUR DELIBERATIONS to remind Gardaworld that it's the working people of St. Louis which fuels its operations. We implore upon Gardaworld to recognize their employees' request for a process towards unionization.
Latest resolution text:
- En Banc (64.46 KB PDF)
Session: 2024-2025
Introduced: 01/10/2025
Sponsor: Primary Sponsors: Anne Schweitzer
Latest Activity: Second Reading
Tom Oldenburg, Shane Cohn, Bret Narayan, Joseph Vollmer, Daniela Velazquez, Alisha Sonnier, Cara Spencer, Michael Browning, Shameem ClarkHubbard, Laura Keys, Sharon Tyus, Pamela Boyd, Rasheen Aldridge, President Megan E Green
Legislative History
Legislative activities and outcomes for this resolution. Learn more about what these activities mean.
First Reading
Resolution text was introduced (63.89 KB PDF).
01/10/2025Committee Assignment
The resolution was assigned to the Transportation and Commerce Committee.
01/28/2025Committee Hearing
The resolution was passed with a recommendation of do pass during the Transportation and Commerce Committee.
02/04/2025Second Reading
The resolution was passed en banc.
The resolution text was changed:
- En Banc (64.46 KB PDF)
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