Resolution Number 90 In Session 2024-2025

Allocations of Prop S Funds 2024


NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to Ordinance Number 67794 the Public Safety Committee does hereby approve the recommendations of the Public Safety Committee for the appropriation of crime prevention program funds for the Fiscal Year 2024 attached hereto as Exhibit A, which is incorporated herein by reference.


Latest resolution text:


Session: 2024-2025


Sponsor: Primary Sponsors: Bret Narayan

Latest Activity: Second Reading


Legislative History

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Supporting Materials

These materials are not a part of the legislation. They may be presented by the sponsor, other Board members, special guest speakers or others to help further explain the proposal, provide other evidence, give additional information and/or alternative ideas or opinions.

3 Files have been uploaded
Title File Size
Corrected Resolution Number 90 As Amended in Committee proposed and adopted at the committee meeing held August 7, 2024. Res90AA Combined3 Updated2.pdf 96.02 KB
Proposed Resolution Number 90 As Amended in Committee Res90AA Combined2.pdf 98.56 KB
New Exhibit A adopted by the Public Safety Committee at its meeting held Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 2pm in the Kennedy Room. Res90AA Exhibit A changes.pdf 35.04 KB

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