Board Bill Number 52 In Session 2024-2025

Delmar/Fountain Park Community Improvement District


The purpose of the bill is to establish a Community Improvement District ("CID") known as the Delmar/Fountain Park Community Improvement District. The bill will approve the Petition of the owners of certain real property to establish the CID and find a public purpose for the establishment of the CID. The CID will be formed as a political subdivision. The CID will have the power to levy a sales and use tax on all sales at retail made within the boundaries of the CID at a rate not to exceed 1 percent for sales tax and 1 percent for use tax. The area included in the CID includes approximately 50 tax parcels located in portions of blocks 3760, 3762-S, 3763-S, 3764-S, 3879-N, 4556 and 4575 in the City, bounded by Taylor Avenue on the east and Kingshighway on the west and includes the commercial properties north and south of Delmar Boulevard between Taylor and Kingshighway. The area included in the CID contains approximately 31.16 acres of land, exclusive of rights-of-way. The CID board of directors will include five directors. The CID will use the sales and use taxes to provide a source of revenue to fund the CID Project(s) which will eliminate blight within the area included in the CID, including the improvement of parks and other landscape, sidewalks, streets and other infrastructure, demolition of certain existing improvements, and the provision of bike and pedestrian facilities


Latest Bill text:


Session: 2024-2025

Introduced: 06/14/2024

Primary Sponsors: Shameem Clark Hubbard

Latest Activity: Committee Assignment


Michael Browning

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