Board Bill Number 199 In Session 2023-2024
Regulating the Commercial Use of Private Drones
An ordinance adding to Chapter 15 of the City of St. Louis Revised Code of Ordinances, a new subsection, Chapter 15.190, to regulate the commercial use of drones and impose community-based safety regulations and restrictions on the operation of drones and other UAs that do not preempt federal aviation rules or state law; including a severability clause and emergency clause.
Latest Bill text:
- Committee Substitute As Amended (122.54 KB PDF)
Session: 2023-2024
Introduced: 01/12/2024
Primary Sponsors: Alisha Sonnier
Latest Activity: Register Returns Notice with Ordinance Number
Ordinance: 71813 effective 03/26/2024
Bret Narayan, Daniela Velazquez, Shameem ClarkHubbard, Laura Keys, Rasheen Aldridge, President Megan E Green
Legislative History
Legislative activities and outcomes for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.
First Reading
Bill text was introduced (119.85 KB PDF).
01/12/2024Referred to a Committee
The bill was assigned to the Public Safety Committee.
02/15/2024Committee Hearing
The bill was held in committee during the Public Safety Committee hearing.
02/22/2024Committee Hearing
The bill was passed out of committee with a recommendation of do pass during the Public Safety Committee hearing.
The bill text was changed:
- Committee Substitute As Amended (122.54 KB PDF)
02/23/2024Second Reading
The bill was passed.
The bill was engrossed during the Engrossment, Rules, Resolutions and Credentials Committee.
03/08/2024Third Reading
The bill was passed.
03/08/2024Delivered to Mayor
03/26/2024Mayor Returns Bill
The bill was approved.
03/26/2024Delivered to Register
03/28/2024Register Returns Notice with Ordinance Number
Register returns ordinance number 71813. Effective date is 03/26/2024
Supporting Materials
These materials are not a part of the legislation. They may be presented by the sponsor, other Board members, special guest speakers or others to help further explain the proposal, provide other evidence, give additional information and/or alternative ideas or opinions.
1 document has been uploaded Title File Size Proposed Committee Substitute for Board Bill Number 199. Please note that the substitute being proposed may change, be adopted or not be adopted. BB199CS Example 2.pdf 165.27 KB Votes
03/08/2024 Vote Results
Aye Votes 15No Votes 0Final Passage VoteOrdinance
Ordinance Number: 71813
Effective Date: 03/26/2024
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