Board Bill Number 101 In Session 2023-2024
Tenants Right to Repair
An ordinance empowering tenants to live in safe, habitable spaces by clarifying the right for tenants to pursue eligible repairs to their residential unit in the absence of property owner or landlord action with certain limitations, and containing a severability clause and an effective date clause dependent upon the restored authority of the City to regulate a tenant's right to pursue repairs.
Latest Bill text:
- Introduced (115.19 KB PDF)
Session: 2023-2024
Introduced: 09/22/2023
Primary Sponsors: Alisha Sonnier
Latest Activity: Committee Assignment
President Megan E Green
Legislative History
Legislative activities and outcomes for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.
First Reading
Bill text was introduced (115.19 KB PDF).
09/22/2023Referred to a Committee
The bill was assigned to the Housing, Urban Development and Zoning Committee.
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