Board Bill Number 3 In Session 2023-2024

ARPA Cares Senior Citizens Homeowners Grants


The proposed bill is recommended by the Board of Public Service and authorizes the appropriation of $12,000,000 of funds received under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Pub. L. No. 117-2 (March 11, 2021) (ARPA), authorizing certain expenditures of such funds, to the extent received for ARPA Cares Senior Citizens Homeowners Grants to make allocations of $500 a month for twelve months to senior citizens which individually or jointly own and occupy dwellings and have owned and occupied said dwelling for a period of ten or more years.


Latest Bill text:


Session: 2023-2024

Introduced: 04/28/2023

Primary Sponsors: Laura Keys

Latest Activity: Committee Hearing

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