Mental Health Board

Details about the Mental Health Board


Board authorized by MO State Statute and members appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Board of Aldermen.

Minimum of nine (9) members and maximum of fifteen members.

Board has authority to place property tax for community-based mental health services on the ballot (not to exceed 40 cents per $100 assessed valuation).

Apply to Serve (1 openings) View board website
Openings include appointments labeled "Serving Beyond Term."

Board Members

Showing 14 active board members (maximum 15)
Name Role End Date
Linda Grayson Member 12/31/2027
Ronald Griffin Member 12/31/2027
Mario Hamell Member 12/31/2027
Terrell Carter Member 12/31/2026
Vander Corliss Member 12/31/2026
Marcia Hayes-Harris Member 12/31/2026
Robert Poirier Jr. Vice Chairperson 12/31/2026
Cassandra Pinkston Member 12/22/2026
Janice Thomas Member 03/25/2026
Andrea Blaylock Member 12/31/2025
Carolyn Jackson Member 12/31/2024
Julia Lopez Secretary 12/31/2024
Lisa Mulligan Member 12/31/2024
Donna Schmitt Chairperson 12/31/2024

Authorizing Legislation

Rev. Mo. Stat. 205.975-205.990

Board Duties and Purpose

Board appointed by a governing body or jointly by governing bodies within a service area for the purposes of administering a county community mental health fund to establish and operate a community mental health center, mental health clinics, or any comprehensive mental health services; to supplement existing funds for a center, clinics, or services, or to purchase services from a center, clinics, or public facilities and not-for-profit corporations providing any comprehensive mental health services.

Member Requirements

Appointments require Board of Aldermen approval.

1. There shall be established a board of trustees of not less than nine (9) members appointed by the county or participating counties in a service area. The regional advisory council, as defined in section 632.040, or any other interested party may nominate individuals for membership on the board. The governing body of the county or counties shall appoint the members to such board of trustees within 1 year of January 1, 1991.

No more than one-third (1/3) of the members shall represent public or private entities involved in the provision of services as provided by sections 205.975 to 205.990.

At least one-third (1/3) of the members shall represent consumers of psychiatric services or the families of such consumers. Employees of public or private entities which are recipients of funds pursuant to sections 205.975 to 205.990 are prohibited from serving on this board of trustees.

2. The composition of the board of trustees shall be representative of the residents of the county or participating counties within a service area, taking into consideration their employment, age, sex, and place of residence and other demographic characteristics of the area. At least one member shall be a licensed physician and at least one-half of the members of such body shall be individuals who are not providers of health care.

3. For multi-county service areas, each participating county shall have at least one representative on the board of trustees. The remaining members shall be appointed in proportion to the populations of the participating counties within the service area.

4. The terms of office of the members of the board of trustees shall be three years except that of the first appointments, the terms of the members shall be staggered as follows:

(1) In multi-county service areas, one (1) member from each county shall be appointed to a 3-year term. Counties which have two or more representatives shall appoint one (1) member to a 2-year term. Counties having more than two representatives shall appoint one-third (1/3) of its members to 1-year terms, one-third (1/3) to 2-year terms, and one-third (1/3) to 3-year terms.

(2) In service areas entirely within a county, one-third (1/3) of the members shall be appointed for 1-year, one-third (1/3) for 2-years, and one-third (1/3) for 3-years.

Questions and Feedback

If you have questions or any feedback about this content, please contact:

Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
Email & full profile

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