Building Appeals, Board of

Details about the Building Appeals, Board of


There is hereby established a Board of Building Appeals consisting of seven (7) members and four (4) alternates appointed by the Mayor, all of whom shall be residents of the City of Saint Louis.

There shall be four (4) alternates who shall be permitted to be called when it is expected there will not be a quorum present.

Stipend: $60 per meeting, up to 50 meetings per year.

Apply to Serve (8 openings)
Openings include appointments labeled "Serving Beyond Term."

Board Members

Showing 6 active board members (maximum 11)
Name Role End Date
Gene Cullman Member 07/07/2025
Terry Flynn Member 07/07/2025
Steve Malle Member 07/07/2025
Barry Burke Member 07/07/2024
Serving Beyond Term
Joanne Morris Member 07/07/2023
Serving Beyond Term
Robert Wagstaff II Member 07/07/2023
Serving Beyond Term

Authorizing Legislation

Ordinance 64771 (1999), City Code 25.05

Board Duties and Purpose

The Board of Building Appeals is hereby empowered to hear and decide appeals in all matters in section 121.3 of this ordinance.

121.3 Types of appeals: Any person, firm or corporation aggrieved by a
decision of the code official, Fire Marshal, or any other board, commission, or
other officer exercising their powers under this code or any other code or
ordinance assigned to the Division of Building and Inspection, shall be
permitted to file an appeal when the appellant alleges:

1. That there is an error in an order, requirement, decision, or interpretation of
the code official, Fire Marshal, or of any other board, commission, or other
officer in the enforcement of this code;

2. That the mode, method or manner to be followed in the erection or alteration
of any building or structure in any specific case before the board is equal to or
superior to the mode, method or manner required by the provisions of this code;

3. That the material to be used in this specific case is equal to or superior to the
materials required by the provisions of this code;

4. That any other board or commission exercising powers under this code, or
any other code or ordinance assigned to the Division of Building and
Inspection, wrongfully interpreted the provisions of the code, or refused to
grant a license, certificate or permit under the provisions of such code;

5. That the provisions of Section 3406.1 of this code are applicable.

Exception: The Board of Building Appeals has no powers to hear and decide
appeals on matters covered under the Americans With Disabilities Act, the
Zoning Ordinance or the Cultural Resources Ordinance.

However, an application for occupancy, alteration or repair of an existing
building or structure which involves a change of occupancy/ change of use
group, whereupon accessibility requirements apply, the code official?s
determination of change of occupancy/ use group shall be allowed to be
appealed to the Board of Building Appeals.

Member Requirements

There is hereby established a Board of Building Appeals consisting of seven (7) members and four (4) alternates appointed by the Mayor, all of whom shall be residents of the City of Saint Louis at least;

1. One of whom shall be a person engaged in the real estate business;

2. One a Missouri licensed professional engineer;

3. One a Missouri licensed architect;

4. One a building contractor or subcontractor;

5. One a person affiliated with the building and construction trades council; and

6. Two shall be citizens-at-large.

There shall be four (4) alternates who shall be permitted to be called when it is expected there will not be a quorum present. The alternates shall have all powers, protection and stipends as the regular board members in accordance with Civil Service provisions. The alternates shall be appointed by the Mayor for 4-year terms.

a. One alternate shall be a Missouri licensed professional engineer or Missouri licensed architect;

b. Three alternates shall be citizens-at-large.

Alternates shall not make up the majority of the Board at any hearing.

Terms of Office:

New Members shall possess the same qualifications as the persons in whose place they are appointed. This is an exiting board and all appointments shall be for a term of four (4) years and shall expire on an anniversary of the date of the original term, except appointments to fill vacancies which shall be for the unexpired term. Members whose appointment terms have expired shall be permitted to continue to serve until reappointment or replaced by a new appointee.


The Board of Building Appeals' members shall be compensated for services rendered on a per meeting basis, as established by ordinance, and subject to budgeted funds availability. Stipend: $60 per meeting, up to 50 meetings per year.

Questions and Feedback

If you have questions or any feedback about this content, please contact:

Michael McLemore
Boards and Commissions Liaison
(314) 622-3201
Email & full profile

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