Building Permits By Year Dataset Distribution

Overview for this Building Permits dataset distribution

View Data

Field Definitions

Name Label Data Type Vocabulary
AddrNum Address Number Integer
AddrSuf Address Suffix String
AppDate Application Date Date
AppDescription Application Description String
AppNum Application Number Integer
AppSource Application Source Integer
AppType Application Type String Permit Application Type
AsrNbrhd Assessor Neighborhood Integer
AsrParcelId Assessor Parcel Id String
CancelDate Canceled Date Date
CancelType Cancel Type String
CDADist CDA District Integer
CDASubDist CDA Sub District Integer
CensBlock00 2000 Census Block Decimal
CensGroup10 2010 Census Group Integer
CensGroup20 2020 Census Group Integer
CensTract10 2010 Census Tract Decimal
CensTract20 2020 Census Tract Decimal
CityBlock City Block Decimal
CompleteDate Completed Date Date
ContrAddr Contractor Address String
ContrCity Contractor City String
ContrContact Contractor Contact Person String
ContrName Contractor Name String
ContrNum Contractor License Number Decimal
ContrPhone Contractor Phone String
ContrState Contractor State String
ContrZIP Contractor ZIP String
CorrAddr Correspondent Address String
CorrCity Correspondent City String
CorrCo Correspondent Care Of String
CorrName Correspondent Name String
CorrState Correspondent State String
CorrZIP Correspondent ZIP String
EstProjectCost Estimated Project Cost Decimal
Handle Handle String
InspArea10 2012 Inspection Precinct Integer
InspArea20 2022 Inspection Precinct Integer
IssueDate Issued Date Date
MainStrucType Main Structure Type Integer Permit Structure Type
MultiParcelInd Multi Parcel Ind String Multi Parcel Ind
Nbrhd Neighborhood Integer Neighborhood
NbrOfUnits Units Integer
NewUse New Use String
NewUseGroup1 New User Group 1 String Permit Use Group
NewUseGroup2 New User Group 2 String Permit Use Group
NewUseGroup3 New User Group 3 String Permit Use Group
NLC NLC Decimal
OccAddr Occupant Address String
OccCity Occupant City String
OccCo Occupant Care Of String
OccName Occupant Name String
OccState Occupant State String
OccZIP Occupant ZIP String
OldUse Old Use String
OldUseGroup1 Old User Group 1 String Permit Use Group
OldUseGroup2 Old User Group 2 String Permit Use Group
OldUseGroup3 Old User Group 3 String Permit Use Group
OrigAddress Orignal Address String
OwnerAddr Owner Address String
OwnerCity Owner City String
OwnerCo Owner Care Of String
OwnerCode Owner Code Integer
OwnerName Owner Name String
OwnerState Owner State String
OwnerZIP Owner ZIP String
Parcel Parcel Number Integer
Parcel9 Parcel 9 Integer
Parity Parity String
PoliceDist Police District Integer
PrclErr Geocoding Error Code Integer
Precinct10 2012 Precinct Integer
Precinct20 2022 Precinct Integer
ProjectType Project Type Integer Permit Project Type
StDir Street Direction String
StName Street Name String
StrucType1 Structure Type 1 Integer Permit Structure Type
StrucType2 Structure Type 2 Integer Permit Structure Type
StrucType3 Structure Type 3 Integer Permit Structure Type
StType Street Type String
TmpCityBlock Temp City Block Decimal
TmpParcel Temp Parcel Integer
UnitNum Unit Number String
Ward10 2012 Ward Integer
Ward20 2022 Ward Integer

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