We Are St. Louis City SC: St. Louis' MLS Team Releases Team Name and Crest

St. Louis' MLS Team's Name and Crest Inspires Unity and Optimism for the Region's Future, While Celebrating the City’s Storied Soccer Tradition

August 13, 2020 | 2 min reading time

This article is 4 years old. It was published on August 13, 2020.

The wait is over. As part of their promise to excite and unite fans and the entire region around the global sport of soccer, Major League Soccer’s 28th team officially unveiled the team name, St. Louis City SC. Through a virtual unveiling of the name crest and team colors, the club invited fans to embrace their vision of celebrating the spirit of a new St. Louis through The Beautiful Game.

Selected from more than 6,000 fan submissions, St. Louis City SC is rooted in the City’s rich soccer tradition as America’s First Soccer Capital. The name celebrates the area’s diverse, iconic neighborhoods and proud heritage while capturing the region’s recent growth and cultural renaissance.

A diverse group of over 20 local designers created the crest based upon a common theme discovered through focus groups and discussions with various community members – a deep-rooted sense of unity and pride across the region in the St. Louis City flag. Using the flag as an inspiration, the team crest is an abstract depiction of the club’s passion and purpose, displayed through iconic elements found across the St. Louis region.

“St. Louis City SC is a reflection of the STLMade movement that is at the heart of everything we do, and truly represents our region’s diverse and optimistic spirit,” said Carolyn Kindle Betz. “Our desire from day one has been to be bigger than soccer and to become part of the fabric of St. Louis and a symbol of our future. This is a significant step forward for our club – and our region.”

Representing the entire region, the future of sports and the spirit of a new St. Louis, St. Louis City SC is the only majority female-led ownership group in Major League Soccer. Since announcing intentions to bring Major League Soccer to St. Louis in 2018, this effort has been about more than a professional sports team. The ownership group has engaged with local organizations and donated to the Matthews-Dickey Boys’ & Girls’ Club and St. Louis Public Schools District Soccer Programs through merchandise sales.

Coinciding with the announcement, select merchandise is available for purchase on the club’s website, StlCitySC.com, including scarves, t-shirts, koozies, decals, license plates, pennants, flags, banners and keychains. 

To stay up-to-date with St. Louis City SC, visit STLCitySC.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram



Sam Cosner

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