Vladimir Monroe Promoted To The Position of Director of Minority Business and Compliance SLDC

With 10 years of knowledge and experience in the field, we are excited to have Vladimir Monroe transition into this role.

April 9, 2018 | 2 min reading time

This article is 6 years old. It was published on April 9, 2018.

PictureSt. Louis, MO- Vladimir Monroe has been promoted to the position of Director of Minority Business and Compliance at St. Louis Development Corporation. Vladimir is transitioning from the position of Contracts Compliance Manager, a position he successfully held for nearly 3 years.

In his previous position, he oversaw the achievement of a number of goals including the efforts to increase minority and women owned business opportunities in the City of St. Louis. Vladimir has nearly 10 years of experience in the field and is a veteran of the United States Navy having served aboard the USS John Hancock.

Vladimir stated, “It is with pleasure that I move into this new role with SLDC. I look forward to continuing the City’s efforts in increasing the role of minority and women owned business and aiding in the economic development of the City of St. Louis.”

Prior to joining SLDC, Vladimir held the position of Certification/Compliance Officer for the City of Chicago where part of his duties entailed the evaluation of businesses that were seeking Certification as a MBE/WBE enterprise. “We are excited to have Vladimir transition into this position. His experience and knowledge were a big part of our decision, and we welcome him into this new role” stated Otis Williams, Executive Director

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