Tiffany Neighborhood Sites Targeted by Habitat of Humanity

19th Ward Tiffany neighborhood sites recommended for 10 year tax abatement by LCRA.

March 12, 2018 | 2 min reading time

This article is 6 years old. It was published on March 12, 2018.

St. Louis, MO- The Tiffany Neighborhood is in the sights of Habitat for Humanity with plans for constructing six single-family homes for the approximate cost of $1,250,000. The redeveloper plans to utilize private funds for this project. The properties will be marketed for $170,000 each. This project has been given the support of Alderwoman Davis with a proposed 10-year tax abatement.
The area is in the Market Type-D Category of the January 2014 St. Louis Market Value Analysis (MVA). A resolution has approved the blighting of the area, a Blighting Study and Plan dated February 20, 2018, which includes no use of eminent domain and a 10-year tax abatement. The Strategic Land Use Plan of the City of St. Louis has designated this as a Neighborhood PreservationArea.
In her support of the project, Alderwoman Marlene Davis stated, “The City of St. Louis continually strives to revitalize neighborhoods that have seen disinvestment over the years. By replacing vacant lots and dilapidated properties with quality homes built to high environmental standards, Habitat for Humanity St. Louis Community Housing Development Organization II greatly aids in this revitalization and provides excellent homes for hardworking, deserving families.”
Otis Williams, Executive Director of the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority (LCRA) of the City of St. Louis has been authorized to submit the plan to the Planning Commission for its review and recommendation and to the Board of Aldermen for its approval.
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