St. Louis CITY SC Makes History with Hiring of First-Ever MLS Chief Experience Officer

Matt Sebek joins St. Louis CITY SC as Chief Experience Officer to lead the team as the architect for a personalized, innovative fan experience

October 6, 2020 | 2 min reading time

This article is 4 years old. It was published on October 6, 2020.

St. Louis CITY SC continues to make history by bringing on Matt Sebek as Chief Experience Officer (CXO). As the first CXO in Major League Soccer, this new position will elevate CITY’s fan-first promise by merging senior technology and marketing roles into one position.

Sebek comes to the club from World Wide Technology and has been creating human-centered consumer experiences for top global brands for over a decade. In his new role as CXO, Sebek will architect a distinctive, forward-looking fan engagement approach that goes beyond soccer. Through this approach, Sebek and the club will strive to excite and unite fans and the community, both inside and outside the stadium – which is currently being constructed in downtown St. Louis.

"Consumer expectations are evolving, especially in sports. We have a unique opportunity to provide our fans with a frictionless, consistent and rewarding experience from day one that showcases the innovation mindset that exists here in St. Louis," said Sebek. "Our region has the people, technology and capabilities to deliver on this promise and the creation of the CXO role validates our ownership group’s commitment to put our fans at the center of everything we do. I am thrilled to take the helm in the city I was born and raised."

Sebek is already breaking new ground, and records. He joined the team’s Chief Revenue Officer, Dennis Moore, to help make the season ticket deposit a success through a data-driven and fan-centric strategy. Setting a new MLS season ticket deposit record, CITY received 30,000 season ticket deposits in the first 15-minutes and 50,000 in the first 24 hours.

Sebek will lead community and experiential research, best-in-breed technology selection for the stadium as well as marketing and activation plans that sustain and evolve fan interest until CITY’s historical, inaugural season in 2023. This includes expansion of the club’s merchandise strategy, which set Major League Soccer sales records since the brand launched earlier this year.

“This is such an important moment for our team, and I couldn’t be more excited as we continue making history and exploring opportunities to be innovative industry leaders,” said Carolyn Kindle Betz, Chief Executive Officer for St. Louis CITY SC. “Since day one, we have strived to make each person in our region feel connected to the team. Matt's hiring as MLS’ first-ever CXO puts us in such a great position to show our fans’ spirit and passion, and our true commitment to them.”

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Sam Cosner

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