St. Louis Development Corporation Chosen as Part of the Inaugural IEDC Equity Communities Cohort

IEDC’s Equitable Economic Development Playbook Program is made possible by The Rockefeller Foundation, The Kresge Foundation and the Surdna Foundation

May 17, 2022 | 2 min reading time

This article is 2 years old. It was published on May 17, 2022.

St. Louis Development Corporation is proud to announce that it has been chosen as one of five communities to make up the inaugural Equity Communities Cohort, a component of the Equitable Economic Development Playbook Initiative developed by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC). 

IEDC’s Equitable Economic Development Playbook Program has been made possible by The Rockefeller Foundation, The Kresge Foundation and the Surdna Foundation.

The Equitable Economic Development Playbook Initiative, launched in May 2021, aims to examine structural racism in economic development and promote equitable practices and standards, both in the post-pandemic recovery and over the long term. The multi-year project will culminate in a toolkit publication and on-the-ground technical assistance for communities to work on Equity Action Plans. 

The five organizations that form part of IEDC’s Equity Communities Cohort will be engaged for a year to receive technical assistance through on-the-ground visits, webinars, and cohort check-ins and create an Equity Action Plan based on their local needs and challenges. 

“Ensuring economic development efforts support shared prosperity for a wide range of stakeholders must be undertaken with intentionality. IEDC is excited to begin working with our inaugural Equity Communities Cohort,” says Todd Greene, IEDC Chair and Executive Director of WorkRise and Institute fellow at the Urban Institute. “Together, we will develop and implement equitable economic development ideas within these five communities. This initiative will allow us to work alongside these communities and develop strategies that promote equitable policies, practices, and standards that will inform the economic development field.”

"SLDC is thrilled to be a part of the IEDC’s Equity Communities Cohort. As we work on our Economic Justice Action Plan, we believe this will enhance our opportunities to create strategies to improve policies and developments in North St. Louis on an equitable basis that implement change," said Daffney Moore, SLDC’s Chief of Staff.

The first edition of the Playbook was released in January 2022. An updated edition will be released that features best practices and lessons learned from the Equity Communities at the end of the technical assistance period.

About St. Louis Development Corporation

The purpose of SLDC is to empower, develop, and transform the City of St. Louis through a vibrant, just and growing economy in which everyone can thrive.

About the International Economic Development Council

The International Economic Development Council (IEDC) is a non-profit membership organization serving economic developers. With more than 4,300 members, IEDC is the largest organization of its kind. Economic developers promote economic well-being and quality of life for their communities, by creating, retaining and expanding jobs that facilitate growth, enhance wealth and provide a stable tax base. From public to private, rural to urban, and local to international, IEDC’s members are engaged in the full range of economic development experience. Given the breadth of economic development work, our members are employed in a wide variety of settings including local, state, provincial and federal governments, public-private partnerships, chambers of commerce, universities and a variety of other institutions. IEDC’s members create high-quality jobs, develop vibrant communities and improve the quality of life in their regions.

  • Contact Information:
    Donna Campbell
    Marketing Specialist
    Office Phone: (314) 657-3745
  • Department:
    The St. Louis Local Development Company
  • Topic:
    Small Business

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