SLDC Announces New Television Show

“Development STL will Focus on Economic Development in the City”

July 23, 2018 | 2 min reading time

This article is 6 years old. It was published on July 23, 2018.

St. Louis, MO- The St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) recently created debuted their new television show “Development STL” on the STLTV, the city’s public access television station. The show is completely dedicated to informing the citizens of the City of St. Louis about the various economic development projects that are happening around the city.

The show’s producer, John Parker, Director of Corporate Communications and Media for SLDC said, “There are so many citizens who don’t have a true understanding of what exactly SLDC does, and the role it plays in the economic development of the city. This television show, accompanied by the newly developed quarterly “Town Hall Meetings”, the first that will occur on August 14th at the LaunchCode offices on Delmar Blvd, are our way of rebranding the organization and promoting transparency. We want to connect with the citizens of St. Louis and provide information on the various organizations that fall under the umbrella of SLDC.”

Here is the link:

“Here at SLDC, we are reaching out to connect more of the community. This is our way of working toward that connection” stated Otis Williams, Executive Director.

The STL-TV show will air monthly. Please go to the website at for showtime information.

About the St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC)

St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) is an umbrella, not-for-profit corporation organized under Chapter 355 of the Missouri State Statutes with the mission of fostering economic development and growth in the City of St. Louis by stimulating the market for private investment in City real estate and business development and improve the quality of life for everyone who lives in, works in, and visits the City.  The mission of the SLDC is to stimulate the market for private investment in City real estate and business development and improve the quality of life for everyone who lives in, works in, and visits the City of St. Louis. If there are questions, please contact John Parker, Director of Corporate Communications and Media at 314-363-1102 or email him at

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