Public Invited To Virtual Public Meeting On Temporary Market Street Bridge Closure And Reconstruction

City of St. Louis closing Market Street Bridge temporarily beginning January 4, 2021

December 4, 2020 | 2 min reading time

This article is 4 years old. It was published on December 4, 2020.

The City of St. Louis and representatives from St. Louis CITY SC, St. Louis’ new Major League Soccer (MLS) team, are inviting the public to discuss the temporary closure and reconstruction of Market Street Bridge during a virtual public meeting on Thurs., Dec. 17.

In order to ensure St. Louis CITY SC’s stadium is completed within the current projected construction schedule, the City will allow earlier than expected Market Street Bridge closure and reconstruction. Originally, the Market Street Bridge rebuild was scheduled to be part of the roadway improvements related to the NGA project which includes a full highway interchange at N. Jefferson Avenue and I-64/ 40, and enhancements to N. Jefferson and Cass Avenues. Construction on the Market Street Bridge will now begin in early January 2021 with the expected completion date to be in mid-to-late March 2021. The virtual public meeting will focus on the timeline for the temporary closure and reconstruction.

Date: Thursday, December 17, 2020
Time: 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. CST
Where: Virtually via ZOOM

Registration for the virtual public meeting is NOT required and attendees can join the meeting via Zoom.

The virtual public meeting will consist of representatives from the City of St. Louis, St. Louis CITY SC and the Ownership Group’s construction partners discussing the details around the temporary closure and reconstruction of Market Street Bridge, followed by attendee Q&A and comments.

Those who are unable to attend the virtual public meeting December 17, may view a recording of the meeting on the project home page. Public comments will also be open until January 4, 2021.

Please submit any questions on the ‘Public Comments’ section of the Project Connect Website.

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