Prop NS Stabilized Buildings Now Open for Offers

Open period will close at noon on Thursday, September 9th

August 23, 2021 | 2 min reading time

This article is 3 years old. It was published on August 23, 2021.

ST. LOUIS—On August 20, 2021, the Proposition NS Program opened another 21-day round of bidding for 6 stabilized LRA buildings that are now available for offers to purchase. This is a great opportunity for the public to purchase Prop NS-stabilized LRA buildings. This open period will close at noon on Thursday, September 9, 2021. 
The 6 properties currently available, in 6 different neighborhoods, include two 2-families and four single-family houses and represent a range of sizes (from 816 sq. ft. to 3,070 sq.ft.) and ages (dating from 1885 to 1917). Details about the minimum bid required and the process for making an offer, along with photos and information about the stabilization work and Prop NS funds invested at each of the buildings, can be found on the Prop NS "Purchasing Stabilized Properties" page:

These buildings currently open for offers are at the following addresses:
•   4916 St. Louis Avenue (in Kingsway East)
•   4124 Turner (in O'Fallon)
•   3938-40 Sullivan (in the Greater Ville)
•   614 Jackson (in Baden)
•   2019 Destrehan (in Hyde Park)
•   5475 Gilmore (in Walnut Park East)
A few key points:
•   The 21 day bid period is now open through Thursday, September 9, 2021 at noon.
•   The Prop NS program, funded through a bond issue approved by voters of the City, stabilizes vacant, residential buildings in the inventory of the City of St. Louis Land Reutilization Authority (LRA). 
•   The buildings selected for the program are recommended for stabilization by community residents and property owners in the City through an open, online nomination process.
•   The program invests up to $30,000 into a single-family building or up to $50,000 for a multi-family building of no more than 6 units, to cover urgent stabilization needs, including new roofs, re-building of collapsed walls, other masonry and foundation work, etc., to ensure that the buildings will be stable enough for future rehabs - and to make the buildings easier and more affordable for private buyers to continue the rehab into quality housing units. 
•   Prior to this current round, the Prop NS program has posted 16 stabilized buildings for sale for 21-day bid periods. Fifteen of these properties have received offers and two have already closed on their sales to private buyers who will invest their own resources and/or sweat equity to transform these vacant buildings into quality housing units.
•   As always, minimum bids are set for each based on the Standard List Price for the neighborhoods where these are located, and stated on each building's spec sheet.
•   Details about the process for making an offer to purchase stabilized buildings - and downloadable PDF versions of full spec sheets for each property (with pictures, sizes, amount of Prop NS investment, etc.), can be found at the Prop NS webpage on purchasing stabilized properties:

If you need photos of before and after conditions at any of the currently available buildings or any of the previously posted buildings, please contact Sean Thomas
Program Manager - Prop NS at 314-657-3770 or email him at  


St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) is an umbrella, not-for-profit corporation organized under Chapter 355 of the Missouri State Statutes with the mission of fostering economic development and growth in the City of St. Louis by stimulating the market for private investment in city real estate and business development and improve the quality of life for everyone who lives in, works in, and visits the City of St. Louis.  If there are questions, please contact John Parker, Director of Corporate Communications and Media at 314-363-1102 or email him at  

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