Ferry to Receive Award from the International Economic Development Council

Honored as one of the Young Economic Development Professional's of the Year

October 15, 2019 | 2 min reading time

This article is 5 years old. It was published on October 15, 2019.

ST. LOUIS, MO- Mr. Jon Ferry, Financial Analysist and Project Manager for St. Louis Development Corporation was honored as one of the Young Economic Development Professional of the Year by the International Economic Development Council. The ceremony took place on Monday, October 14, 2019 at the Palladium at the Center for Performing Arts in Carmel, Indiana. 


  Recipients of IEDC's Excellence in Economic Development Awards are recognized as the world's top most influential leaders in the areas of economic development, programs and partnerships, marketing materials. Their leadership and honorary awards honor organizations and individuals for their efforts in creating positive change in urban, suburban, and rural communities.

“This is a great honor for Jon. He has been a great asset for SLDC in developing economic models to work from, for the betterment of St. Louis. We are truly excited and congratulate him on his award” stated Otis Williams, Executive Director, SLDC.

About St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC)

St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) is an umbrella, not-for-profit corporation organized under Chapter 355 of the Missouri State Statutes with the mission of fostering economic development and growth in the City of St. Louis by stimulating the market for private investment in City real estate and business development and improve the quality of life for everyone who lives in, works in, and visits the City.  The mission of the SLDC is to stimulate the market for private investment in City real estate and business development and improve the quality of life for everyone who lives in, works in, and visits the City of St. Louis. If there are questions, please contact John Parker, Director of Corporate Communications and Media at 314-363-1102 or email him at parkerj@stlouis-mo.gov

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