CLEAN Receives Mayor's Spirit Award

Uniform company built a $3 million addition in Soulard.

January 4, 2013 | 2 min reading time

This article is 11 years old. It was published on January 4, 2013.



Mayor Francis G. Slay presented the Mayor’s Spirit of St. Louis Award to CLEAN

in recognition of the company’s growth and expansion in downtown St. Louis.


Family-owned and operated in the City since 1938, CLEAN built a 23,000-square-foot,$3 million addition to its existing facility at 1316 S. 7th St. The expansion allowed the company to open a new operation, CLEAN Health Care, dedicated to industrial cleaning for the health care industry. CLEAN’s new health care division focuses on bedding, uniforms, and other cleaning services to surgery centers, hospitals, small clinics and physicians’ offices.

CLEAN has 123 employees in St. Louis and anticipates creating up to 20 new jobs as part of the health care expansion. SLDC provided financial and technical assistance to the project.

The Mayor’s Spirit of St. Louis Award recognizes businesses that make major expansions or improvements to their existing locations, open or relocate to the City, and certain major City projects. The Spirit Award program is administered by the St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC), the economic development agency for the City of St. Louis.

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