Department of Health
Volunteer Greeters Needed February 14, 2020
for 20th annual Heat-Up St. Louis Rise 'N Shine fundraiser
This article is 5 years old. It was published on February 4, 2020.
Help the City of St. Louis Department of Health show support for one of its partners, Heat-Up St. Louis, by being a greeter at the 20th anniversary of the annual Rise ‘N Shine for Heat fundraiser at Hardee's restaurants on Friday, February 14, 2020. Last year, volunteers helped to raise over $570,000 for seniors and families in need of utility assistance throughout the region. Let’s break that record!
As a greeter, you will greet customers and collect donations that will provide utility assistance to low-income seniors, people with disabilities, and families with small children. Shifts are for one hour during breakfast time between 6:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. All volunteers will receive a free breakfast sandwich and a souvenir apron, while supplies last!!
To sign up, please provide your name, department, and phone number to Candace Da Silva - Department of Health, (314) 657-1428 by February 10, 2020. For a full list of participating locations, visit the website.
***Your team can also support the event by pre-ordering breakfast sandwiches. The deadline to pre-order sandwiches is Wednesday, February 12, 2020. You may download the order form from the website.
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Department of Health