Collector - Real Estate Tax Department

Taxpayers Take Note:  Property Taxes Due by December 31st

More payment options available to improve customer service

December 1, 2017 | 2 min reading time

This article is 8 years old. It was published on December 1, 2017.

Gregory FX Daly 2014
Photo by Jean Schuh Title: 2014 official photo for Gregory F.X. Daly, Collector of Revenue
Source: Jean Schuh

Tens of thousands of tax bills were mailed to property owners in the City of St. Louis in early November. The deadline for paying your real estate and personal property tax bills is December 31st. As city employees we are obligated to pay our taxes in full and on time. 

Department of Personnel Administrative Regulation No. 137 states that “City employees, because of the public nature of their employment are held to high standards of compliance with these tax laws by the general public. These standards of compliance are perfectly proper and shall be the standards against which City employees are measured. Employees who don’t pay [by Dec. 31st] are subject to disciplinary action.” 

We have made more payment options available to continually improve customer service. We hope you will take advantage of them and pay your tax bills by December 31st.

Beginning Monday, November 13th and ending December 30th, my office will staff three satellite bank locations where you may pay your bill. Only payments for the current tax year can be accepted at these locations. Please check the back of your statement for addresses and hours of operations. Credit and debit cards are now accepted. Other payment options include our telephone hotline (1-800-2PAYTAX) available through December 31st, the website, in person in Room 109 in City Hall, and the mobile app, PayItSt.Louis. “PayIt St. Louis” the Collector of Revenue’s free app is available for download in the Google Play and Apple Store. With this app you may pay your Personal Property and Real Estate taxes as well as your Water/Refuse bill from your mobile device. PayIt St. Louis provides a secure and convenient way to pay.  Debit and credit cards will incur a convenience fee. Personal checks will not be accepted for delinquent taxes.     

If you are looking for a way to budget for these annual taxes inquire about our “Pre-Pay” program. This initiative allows individuals to make deposits towards future tax liabilities throughout the year in an effort to make the process as convenient as possible. More information can be found by calling (314) 622-4105.

Taxpayers are able to print their previous and current year personal property tax paid receipts online. We hope this new convenience will help taxpayers to maintain their records. Please visit

          My staff in the office and at the neighborhood banks is thoroughly prepared for a robust property tax season. We look forward to serving you and all the taxpayers of the City of St. Louis!  

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