Department of Health

Let's Move! STL Joins Festival of Lights

Let's Move! STL promoted good health, physical fitness, and healthy eating at the 2015 Festival of Lights celebration at Union Station.

January 1, 2016 | 2 min reading time

This article is 9 years old. It was published on January 1, 2016.

 2015 Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights 2

'Movin' at the Festival of Lights

The Festival of Lights celebration on November 21st at Union Station, provided Let's Move! STL another opportunity to promote good health, physical activity, and healthy eating under. If the Festival of Lights could be compared to the "main course", then the activities under the Let's Move! STL umbrella served as the "appetizer". The families who arrived at Union Station early for the festivities received a special treat courtesy of the Let's Move! STL.

Partner agencies of Let's Move! STL provided several fun activities inside Union Station for families to enjoy while they waited for the outdoor activities to begin. Volunteers greeted families as they entered and provided directions to the various activities.  The Midwest Dairy Council had a "Fuel Up to Play 60" photo booth where participants could choose from a variety of fun activities and take goofy pictures.  The Council also provided an X-Box Connect activity where people could experience the latest computer technology to simulate their favorite sport. 

Across the hall was a room where parents could sit down for a few minutes to rest. While they rested, the children could color different holiday-themed pictures. Alive and Well STL invited kids and adults to take a minute, relax, and reduce their stress by blowing bubbles. Livewell STL offered healthy snacks and information about their website, which is an interactive tool used to connect individuals to healthy resources in St. Louis.  Participants also had the opportunity to ride a bike blender and blend up some healthy smoothies. 

Activities continued upstairs. Crabtree and Associates showed families some new ways to garden using an upright gardening tower, and allowed children to get their hands dirty by planting some vegetables.  Dance Plus showed off their award-winning dance moves, performing two different routines for the audience.  Families could also get moving by following the mile long "walking trail" on Union Station's upper concourse.  Additionally, families could fuel their activity with a healthy granola snack and heart healthy living tips provided by Emmis Communications and the American Heart Association.  For those who needed a little more movement, the Let's Move! Move Your Body dance was taught by the City of St. Louis Department of Health's Nutrition Coordinator, Melissa Ramel. Experienced and novice dancers were encouraged to learn the routine and perform it at home for a quick workout option. 

All these activities were designed to support healthy and active lifestyles and make living healthy the "easy choice".  It was a great afternoon! This event would not have been possible without the fabulous community partners who support Let's Move! STL efforts throughout the year. Special thanks go out to Emmis Communications and Incite Media, the Midwest Dairy Council, Livewell STL, the American Heart Association, Alive and Well STL, Crabtree and Associates, Dance Plus, and the Saint Louis University Department of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Department of Health

City of St. Louis


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